BELWTransport Chain KitsG70

BELW G70 transport chain kits give the benefits of cleanliness, lightweight, strength and reliability therefore making it ideal for tie-down applications for the transport and shipping industries.

  • Supplied with grab hook or claw hook.
  • Any lengths can be supplied with other fittings upon request.
  • All Grade 70 transport chain kits come with re-usable plastic containers.
  • Batch test certificate available upon request.

G70 Transport Chain Kit c/w Grab Hooks

Size (mm) Product Code Lashing Capacity (Tonnes) Weight (kgs) Length (m) Hook Type
6 203200 2.30 5.26 6m Grab Hook
6 203205 2.30 7.66 9m Grab Hook
8 203210 3.8 10.00 6m Grab Hook
8 203211 3.8 11.4 7m Grab Hook
8 203215 3.8 14.1 9m Grab Hook
10 203220 6.00 12.5 5m Grab Hook
10 203320 6.00 14.00 6m Grab Hook
10 203225 6.0 21.1 9m Grab Hook
13 203230 9.0 35 9m Grab Hook

G70 Transport Chain Kit c/w Claw Hooks

Size (mm) Product Code Lashing Capacity (Tonnes) Weight (kgs) Length (m) Hook Type
8 203314 3.8 10.0 6m Claw Hook
8 203315 3.80 14.3 9m Claw Hook
10 203325 6.0 21.3 9m Claw Hook

G70 Transport Chain Kit (NO HOOKS)

Size (mm) Product Code Lashing Capacity (Tonnes) Weight (kgs) Length (m) Hook Type
6 203200NH 2.30 4.80 6m No Hook
6 203205NH 2.30 7.11 9m No Hook
8 203211NH 3.8 10.0 7m No Hook
10 203220NH 6.00 11.1 5m No Hook
10 203320NH 6.00 12.0 6m No Hook
10 203225NH 6.0 20.0 9m No Hook
13 203230NH 9.0 33.57 9m No Hook

NH= No Hooks with load chain.   Chain Stamped: ALC mm/yy.     WLL on back

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